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Die Herkuleskeule - There's still light in the fridge

Laugh when you want to cry with the Hercules club

Next date: 24/01/2025, 07:30 pm - 09:30 pm in Barth

Is it cabaret? Is it theater? Wolfgang Schaller calls his new program, which is his 52nd production at the Herkuleskeule, a cabaret play. Waiting on a deserted train platform are the unemployed pig's ear saleswoman Dörte from Dorte, who wants to become a superstar (Birgit Schaller), the doctor-to-be Walentin Karl, who is always in the know (Hannes Sell), and the Saxon Fridolin Kasper, whose company Särge & Co is always doing well when others are doing badly. In the midst of all the crises, their motto is: Laugh when it makes you cry. Wolfgang Schaller's black-bitten texts reflect an absurd reality between loud hilarity and quiet thoughtfulness. As always, Jens Wagner and Volker Fiebig bear witness to the ensemble's musicality.

The Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten wrote after the premiere: "Laughter wakes you up, and polished wordplay activates the brain. If you allow laughter, it sometimes gets stuck in your throat. The rebellious normalo trio serves up brisk, time-critical thigh-slappers and then immediately turns the big wheels of our civilization, which have long since run into the sand, with bitter mockery."

The actors are Birgit Schaller, Hannes Sell, Michael Heuser.

Dates +
  • 24/01/2025, 07:30 pm - 09:30 pm
  • 01/02/2025, 07:30 pm - 09:30 pm
  • 02/02/2025, 03:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Address +

Barther Boddenbühne
Trebin 35A
18356 Barth


Contact +

Vorpommersche Landesbühne GmbH - Barther Boddenbühne
Leipziger Allee 34
17389 Anklam