Natural remedy: Water, Climate
The aim of the natural healing method named after the Catholic priest Sebastian Kneipp is to promote self-healing processes. Kneipp developed a holistic concept to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony. At the centre of his concept is hydrotherapy, i.e. treatment with water applications. People today do not move enough. Exercise therapy is intended to counteract this development. Balanced nutrition is a basic building block of our life to be healthy and active. Kneipp is concerned with conscious eating and feeling good in one's own body. He began researching the effects of plants on the human body at an early age. Whether as tea, in juices, tinctures, ointments, essential oils or as an additive in compresses, the applications of medicinal herbs such as sage, camomile and fennel are very versatile. In Kneipp's holistic approach, however, the main focus is on the rhythm of life. Every person should set a goal in life, recognise a deeper meaning in their everyday life, take their life into their own hands and consciously perceive themselves and their environment. The balance between stress and relaxation must be established.
The 5 pillars of the Kneipp teachings are:
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern offers the best natural prerequisites for the realisation of this concept: