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Behind every man is an astonished woman!

Behind every man is an astonished woman!

Next date: 15/03/2025, 07:00 pm - 08:30 pm in Bansin

Comedy and crime with Alexander G. Schäfer
A light-hearted, literary evening for women(also for curious men) - Every second woman longs for a partner, whereas only every third man longs for a relationship. And yet they still get married. Alexander g. Schäfer, an expert on marriage and at the same time an affected man, tries to uncover the secret of marriage with the help of literary texts and statements by great contemporaries.
Tickets are available from the tourist information offices and at www.kaiserbaeder-auf-usedom.de - admission: €10.00.

Dates +
  • 15/03/2025, 07:00 pm - 08:30 pm
Address +

Bansin Hans Werner Richter-Haus
Waldstraße 1
17429 Bansin

Contact +

Eigenbetrieb Kaiserbäder Insel Usedom
Waldstraße 1
17429 Bansin
038378 24422
