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A day as a field biologist

Get to know the exciting working methods of these researchers through small projects. Collect samples and analyze them.

Next date: 22/05/2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in Göhren

Field biologists are natural scientists with a wide range of tasks. But what do field biologists actually do? Find the answers to your questions and slip into the role of a field biologist for a day. Suitable for the whole family.

Note: Pre-registration is required for participation! Max. 20 participants.

Subject to change or cancellation at any time (as at: 26.03.2024).

Dates +
  • 22/05/2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • 29/05/2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Address +

Brückenhaus Seebrücke
18586 Ostseebad Göhren

Contact +

Kurverwaltung Ostseebad Göhren
Poststraße 9
18586 Ostseebad Göhren
+49 38308 66790
+49 38308 667932